Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm on Etsy!

It all started with a hat. I wanted to buy a cute little newsboy hat for my daughter and so I started searching Etsy and instead found a crochet pattern for just the hat I was looking for. So I pulled out the yarn stash and crochet hooks and started working on it. The finished product was just what I'd been hoping for and I really enjoyed getting to make it myself, I love being crafty ;) As soon as I put it on her I started getting compliments on it and wide eyed stares when I told people I had made it when they asked where I got it. Once they heard that they almost always said "You should sell those!" One neighbor in particular really encouraged me to sell them and guarunteed me at least three sales to her as soon as I got myself set up. So I started looking into going beyond purchasing on Etsy to becoming an Etsy seller. There were more details to contend with than I was sure I wanted to deal with, but I made it through and while the shop is not full and still (and probably always) in progress, it is set up and I can now sell to people across the country (technically I can sell to people across the world, but I don't yet want to undertake international shipping so we're staying domestic for now). Check me out at

Little Bits n' Things

P.S. wondering what on earth "Etsy" is? from their website:

What is Etsy?

Our mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers.

Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice:

Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.



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