Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Yard

Since we moved in I have been working to get the crazy yard that came with our house to a state of functionality that would be useful for our family and pleasing to the nieghbors.  The previous owners had very different needs when it came to a yard and so they mulched the entire thing and put in tons of wild plants and flowers that over time, certainly went wild.  I have been able to clear out the chaos, transplant a few things to designated beds and highlight the wall along the edge of the yard with new bulbs.  I also put in new boxwoods and bulbs in front of the porch.  The rest is dirt, dirt, dirt and more dirt, for now.  The plan is to install sod, but the process of prepping the yard for the sod ourselves has been slow going.  I feel like all I do is move dirt from one spot to another.  No matter how many wheelbarrows full of dirt I remove, it just looks like a big mess of dirt.  I have started to see it all leveling out some as I removed 4 more wheel barrows full of dirt this afternoon and have hope that we will be able to get the sod laid by the end of the month before the summer heat hits.  This is the progress as of today and I will be excited to post udated pictures as soon as possible!



Whoa! It looks so different already! I can't wait to see what becomes of it.

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