Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Yard II - goodbye tree hello sod!

As we left you last there was a lot of dirt and a few too many trees. (see The Yard)
Not that you will probably notice but we are actually less one tree in this photo.  A sad little stick of a tree, we thought maybe we could move it over to a better spot in the yard or move it to a nice spot in the back.  So my husband brought out the shovel ans as he put it in the ground once the tree fell over, the "root ball" if you can even call it that was practically non-existant and had not hearty roots.  Not sure how it was still standing and glad we found out that it was doomed to blow over sooner than later before the sod went in so we avoided having to patch it after the fact.
Next tree to take down, the cypress that is precariously close to the house.
We figured we should get it taken care of before the grass since we would need to cut it ip etc. so we rented a chain saw along with the rototiller and lawn roller we needed for the sod.
Good enough for now.  We will go back later to get the stump so I can put some boxwoods and flowers in front of the bay window.

After tilling, rolling to check the grade, tilling again, then raking to smooth, my husband went to work rolling out the new lawn.
So lush, so nice. Hopefullly it will survive :)

Before and After



It looks awesome!

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