Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun with Scraps

I have been using a lot of really fun fabric lately which has left me with scraps that I just have to use for something.  So last night I sat down and did some experimenting.  I cut out bits of fabric and sewed them together in a strip of patchwork, then added some leftover elastic and some fabric rosettes (made from some larger scraps) and ended up with a pretty darn cute little headband.  I am not sure just how little yet as I added the last bits to it just now - after I put my daughter to bed - so I have not been able to try it on her, it may end up as a gift for a baby with a smaller head...
sewed the scraps together
 pressed and trimmed the seams
 fold in half (right sides of fabric together) and run a seam down the length (leaving enough room for the elastic later)

I pinned through the bottom seam then folded it in on itself and sent the safety pin up the length in order to turn it right side out, this was the most tedious part and next time I will make the tube of fabric wider (start with wider pieces of fabric so there is still room for seam allowance) in order to make this step a bit easier

 finally turned right side out

once right side out I put the safety pin in the the end of the elastic and worked it through the tube of fabric then sewed through both sides of fabric and the elastic at both ends to secure it inside.  I then treated both ends with fray check and let dry

sewed the ends together then used hot glue to cover the joint with a small piece of felt so that it wouldn't scratch when it is worn and used the hot glue to add the rosettes



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